Travel from border to coast

Have you ever thought about about seeing how long it would take to go from the border of one state to the coast line on the other end?  I have and it is what I am pondering to do on Friday.  Though, I will most likely just travel to the hills and hike for a while instead.  I have a destination in mind near the Cal-Neva border.  Y'all know where Mono Lake is, right?  Well, I am thinking of that mountain just north of it called Biedeman, seen several pictures of it online and want to see it for myself, take my own pics, just enjoy the beauty of the location.  I may also cross the border and travel a short distance into Nevada, just for shucks, y'know?  Not sure what route I will take, though I am leaning towards staying out of Yosemite NP and taking Hwy 108.  That is all for now, will keep you posted as to what I do.  Good night!