Potential new law

Random Law Repeal Act

Section 1. Purpose

This Act is intended to streamline the legal code by mandating the repeal of 100 existing laws upon the passage of any new law, fostering a more efficient legal system.

Section 2. Definitions

For the purposes of this Act:

  1. New Law: Any statute or regulation enacted after the effective date of this Act.
  2. Existing Laws: All federal statutes currently in force at the time of the passage of any New Law, excluding Constitutional amendments.

Section 3. Repeal of Existing Laws

(a) Upon the passage of a New Law by Congress and its signing by the President, the Legislative Repeal Committee, established by this Act, shall oversee the random repeal of 100 Existing Laws.

(b) The laws to be repealed shall be selected using a random selection process as outlined in Section 4.

Section 4. Random Selection Process

(a) The Legislative Repeal Committee shall, within 30 days of the passage of a New Law, randomly select 100 Existing Laws to be repealed.

(b) The random selection shall be conducted using a secure, transparent, and verifiable method determined by the Committee to ensure fairness and prevent bias in the repeal process.

(c) Once selected, the 100 laws shall be repealed automatically and shall be removed from the United States Code within 90 days of their selection.

Section 5. Exemptions

The following categories of laws are exempt from repeal under this Act:

  1. Laws that implement or enforce Constitutional amendments.
  2. National security-related laws, including those related to the defense, intelligence, and counterterrorism.
  3. Laws providing essential protections for civil rights and liberties.

Section 6. Establishment of the Legislative Repeal Committee

(a) A Legislative Repeal Committee (hereinafter referred to as "the Committee") shall be established, consisting of five members appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate.

(b) The Committee shall be responsible for overseeing the random selection of laws for repeal and ensuring compliance with the provisions of this Act.

Section 7. Severability

If any provision of this Act, or the application thereof, is held invalid, the remainder of the Act shall not be affected thereby.

Section 8. Effective Date

This Act shall take effect 180 days after its enactment.